Intersect Server Hosting (EU West)

$7.00 USD
EU Tier 1 (Basic)
Perfect for Smaller Projects!
System Specs:
1024mb Ram*
2048mb Disk Space
Shared CPU (Normal Priority)

Will easily support 25+ simultaneous players online using vanilla Intersect.

Hosted in an OVH Datacenter in France!
Change category above for other locations.
*1024mb of ram is fully dedicated to your game and more than enough for 95% of Intersect games
Automated nightly backups which are stored in 3 different offsite locations.
99.99% Uptime and DDOS Protection
Instant, Automated Delivery
No Network Config or Port Forwarding Required!
$18.00 USD
EU Tier 2 (Standard)
For Scaling Projects With More Traffic!
System Specs:
2048mb Ram*
4096mb Disk Space
Shared CPU (High Priority)

Will easily support 50+ simultaneous players online using vanilla Intersect.

Optional allocation of up to two MySql databases.
Hosted in an OVH Datacenter in France!
Change category above for other locations.
*2048mb of ram is fully dedicated to your game and more than enough for 99% of Intersect games
Automated nightly backups which are stored in 3 different offsite locations.
99.99% Uptime and DDOS Protection
Instant, Automated Delivery
No Network Config or Port Forwarding Required!
$28.00 USD
EU Tier 3 (Performance)
For Huge Projects Which Require High Performance!
System Specs:
4096mb Ram
8192mb Disk Space (More if needed!)
Shared CPU (Highest Priority)

Will easily support 100+ simultaneous players online using vanilla Intersect.

Optional allocation of up to two MySql databases.
Hosted in an OVH Datacenter in France!
Change category above for other locations.
*4096mb of ram is fully dedicated to your game and more than enough for all Intersect games we've seen to date.
Automated nightly backups which are stored in 3 different offsite locations.
99.99% Uptime and DDOS Protection
Instant, Automated Delivery
No Network Config or Port Forwarding Required!
$50.00 USD
EU Tier 4 (MMO) (2 Tillgänglig)
For Massively Multiplayer Games!
System Specs:
8192mb Ram (More if needed!)
12,228mb Disk Space (More if needed!)
Dedicated CPU (2 cores, 4 threads, Clocked at 4.2Ghz)

For the largest and most popular Intersect MMORPGS! Meant to support hundreds of simultaneous players. If this isn't strong enough, then we will work with you to find something that does!

Optional allocation of up to two MySql databases.
Hosted in an OVH Datacenter in France!
Change category above for other locations.
Automated nightly backups which are stored in 3 different offsite locations.
99.99% Uptime and DDOS Protection
No Network Config or Port Forwarding Required!
Delivery in 1-2 business days after first payment is received.

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