Setup API Access (Intersect Beta 8 and After) הדפסה

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This document will help you enable API access to your hosted server running on Intersect Beta 8 or later.


In order to setup API access you must make several changes to your api config file which is now located in your root folder alongside Intersect Server and it is called appsettings.Production.json.



  • Set the 'Enabled' property to true.
  • Set the 'AllowedNetworkTypes' property to 4.
  • Replace the KnownProxies value with ["", ""]
  • Replace the entire "EndPoints" section with the following. Inside that section replace PORT with your servers port number.
        "Endpoints": {
          "Http": {
            "Url": "http://*:PORT"

Be sure to restart your server after making the above changes to your api configuration.


After you reboot your server, verify that your api is accessible by browsing to the following address in your web browser with the following replacements:


Replace [SERVER] with the prefix for your servers address (ie: eu0, na2) based on your server location.

Replace [PORT] with your game port shown on the console page for your server within the hosting panel.


Your api is working if your browser returns a 405 (Not Allowed) error.


Use the following address for any tools/services which need to communicate with your api replacing [SERVER] and [PORT] as described above.



Please feel free to reach out with a support ticket if you need further assistance.


?האם התשובה שקיבלתם הייתה מועילה

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